Schneider Downs Digital

Who We Are

Contact Us

PRIMARY CONTACTS: Patrick B. Armknecht CPA,CITPJohn J. Huckle


For more than 20 years, 各行各业的组织都信任施耐德唐斯为他们的数字拼图找到合适的部分.

Originally Schneider Downs Technology and Data Services, SD Digital专注于解决无法解决的问题,并提供旨在解锁功效的数字解决方案, efficiency and scale for a wide range of organizations, business processes and industries.  

SD Digital始终是一个值得信赖的创新合作伙伴,凭借我们对技术创新和数字化思维的承诺,我们在提供有影响力的解决方案方面有着良好的记录.

With a pioneering spirit, user-centric perspective and agile approach, our team of digital innovators de-risk, 开发和交付解决复杂业务问题的数字化解决方案, achieve tangible results and most important to us, provide a delightful client experience. 


John Huckle

John Huckle

Patrick Armknecht

Patrick Armknecht CPA, CITP

John Huckle and Patrick Armknecht are our fearless digital leaders. Together, they lead the SD Digital practice and our SD Digital Consultants, 一群有远见的数字专业人士,渴望创新,有成功的秘诀. 


  • 20+ years of experience in technology and digital innovations
  • 20+ dedicated team members
  • 2022 Solver Breakout Partner of the Year
  • Access to a deep bench of industry and business expertise
  • Average of 17 years' experience per team member
  • Employer of choice with unparalleled talent 
  • Proven track record of client satisfaction
  • Top partner of technology and software leaders


SD Digital Core Solutions 


Industry Focus

我们很自豪能够帮助各行各业的组织发现数字的力量,并理解数字的力量是不可知论的, the need for digital varies based on industry. With a deep bench of industry professionals, SD Digital拥有跨越不同行业的数字化旅程的团队和路线图, including: 



Guided by our set of client-focused values, 我们的数字创新团队通过用可能的艺术挑战现状,帮助组织解开数字对他们的意义.

Courage to be Candid

Change can be challenging, which is why we promise to respectfully challenge the status quo, present our authentic thoughts and facilitate tough conversations, all in the
pursuit of the possible.

Eye on the Prize

We understand the complexity and speed of business today, 这就是为什么我们在每次数字化之旅中都坚持不懈地关注客户的成功结果.

Hardwired Empathy

我们从商业领袖和利益相关者的角度来设计每一个项目, strategize, develop and implement solutions built with the mind of our clients.

Progress over Perfection

We deliver an iterative roadmap that celebrates milestones, 从障碍中学习,并优先考虑客户目标的持续进展.

Real-world Experience

With a robust firm of 500+ professionals, 我们拥有业务专业知识和数字化思维,可以为行业提供端到端解决方案, regulatory and financial considerations.

Sustainable Speed

凭借我们独特的数字专业知识和商业经验, 我们可以以商业的速度动员和提供有影响力的解决方案.




Related Resources

About SD Digital

SD Digital帮助组织将技术转化为变革性变革,并实现自己的最佳版本. With a forward-thinking cap and digital lens, 我们通过以业务为中心和技术支持的解决方案,使组织能够利用数字的力量实现可能的艺术, built on an unwavering commitment to practicality, speed to market and the user experience.

Learn more on our dedicated Schneider Downs Digital page or contact the team directly at [email protected].

Automation Anywhere



Our Clients' Thoughts On Schneider Downs

"I have been working with Schneider Downs for 20 years. 和我一起工作的每个人都很专业,彬彬有礼,并且支持我们的工作. As the business has grown over the years, 施耐德唐斯让我们意识到不同的会计变化是有道理的. As we develop new programs, 他们是我们可以用来做出好的商业决策的资源. I truly enjoy working with the staff!"

"We've had a very good experience with SD&多年来,我们的合作伙伴和管理人员对我们的业务进行了强有力的领导. 他们了解我们的业务和我们每年面临的问题,并提供合理的替代方案."

"Quality Staff and Management."

"Our company utilizes numerous areas of services, 从税务和审计到咨询bet9平台游戏和网络安全咨询. I've only ever experienced excellence in all they do."

“自从我们去年年底开始与施耐德唐斯合作以来,他们提供了最好的bet9平台游戏. 每次我打电话问问题的时候,他们都非常快地回应. Couldn't ask for a better company."

"Great long term relationship."

"Schneider Downs has been a valued advisor to our organization. 他们了解我们和我们的行业,可以提供适合我们情况的指导和见解."


“我与SD专业人员在销售税问题上有很好的合作经验, technical accounting, general 10-Q review assistance, PPP loan forgiveness, etc."


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